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Black-Eyed Susan Book Award Nominee (MD)
California Book Award Finalist
CBC Best Children's Books of the Year
CCBC Choices (Cooperative Children's Book Council)
Colorado Children's Book Award Master List
Edgar Allan Poe Award (Finalist)
Edgars Award Nominee
Great Lakes Great Books Master List (MI)
Great Texas Mosquito List
Green Earth Book Award Shortlist
Iowa Children's Choice Award Nominee
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Intermediate Title
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Junior Title
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Top Pick
Keystone to Reading Secondary Reading List (PA)
Maine Student Book Award Reading List
Mark Twain Award Final Nominee (MO)
Massachusetts Children's Book Award Nominee
MSTA Reading Circle List
North Carolina Children's Book Award Nominee
Nutmeg Book Award Nominee (CT)
Oregon Battle of the Books List
Pennsylvania Reader's Choice Award Nominee
Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award Master List (IL)
Sasquatch Book Award Nominee (WA)
South Carolina Picture Book Award Nominee
Texas Bluebonnet Master List
Virginia Readers' Choice Award List
Virginia Readers’ Choice Award
Volunteer State Book Award Nominee (TN)
Wisconsin State Reading Association's Reading List