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Angelina Ballerina
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Fort Builders Inc.
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Jeanie & Genie
Little Goddess Girls
Mack Rhino, Private Eye
Mini Mermaid Tales
Ms. Frogbottom's Field Trips
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Ready-to-Read Childhood of Famous Americans
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Royal Sweets
School for Magical Monsters
The Adventures of Allie and Amy
The Nocturnals
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The Eye of Cyclops
(Book #2 of School for Magical Monsters)
Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
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Rise of Pegasus
(Book #1 of School for Magical Monsters)
Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
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The Really Rotten Princess and the Wonderful, Wicked Class Play
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Costume Parade
(Book #4 of The Adventures of Allie and Amy)
Stephanie Calmenson and Joanna Cole
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The Lost Lost-and-Found Case
(Book #4 of Mack Rhino, Private Eye)
Paul DuBois Jacobs and Jennifer Swender
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