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Aladdin Classics
Animal Planet Awesome Adventures
Anna, Banana
Bambi's Classic Animal Tales
Bunnicula and Friends
Dog Watch
Life in the Doghouse
Mutts Kids
Peanuts Kids
Tales From the House of Bunnicula
The Adventures of Samuel Blackthorne
The Invincible Girls Club
The Lulu Series
The Pug Who Wanted to Be
The Shiloh Quartet
The Stanley Family
Upchuck and the Rotten Willy
Lexile ®
Finn and the Feline Frenemy
(Part of Life in the Doghouse)
Danny Robertshaw, Ron Danta, and Crystal Velasquez
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Millie, Daisy, and the Scary Storm
(Part of Life in the Doghouse)
Danny Robertshaw, Ron Danta, and Crystal Velasquez
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Elmer and the Talent Show
(Part of Life in the Doghouse)
Danny Robertshaw, Ron Danta, and Crystal Velasquez
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Moose and the Smelly Sneakers
(Part of Life in the Doghouse)
Danny Robertshaw, Ron Danta, and Crystal Velasquez
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Animal Planet Awesome Adventures: Puppy Rescue Riddle
(Part of Animal Planet Awesome Adventures)
Trade Paperback$5.99