Showing results for:
Alaska Battle of the Books Lis
Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year Selection Title
Beehive Award Master List (UT)
Beverly Cleary Children's Choice Award Nominee (OR)
Bill Martin Jr. Picture Book Award Nominee (KS)
Buckaroo Book Award Runner-Up (WY)
Bulletin Blue Ribbon
Cybils Award Finalist
Evanston Public Library's 101 Great Books for Kids List
Golden Sower Award Nominee (NE)
Great Lakes Book Award
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Intermediate Title
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List PrimaryTitle
Maryland Blue Crab Young Reader Award
MSTA Reading Circle List
New York Times Book Review Notable Books
Otter Award Nominee (WA)
Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Award Master List
Riverbank Review Books of Distinction Finalist
School Library Journal Best Books of the Year
Texas Bluebonnet Master List
Young Hoosier Book Award Nominee (IN)