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ALA Notable Children's Books
Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year Selection Title
Booklist Editors' Choice
Capital Choices Noteworthy Books for Children's and Teens (DC)
Charlie May Simon Children's Book Award Nominee (AR)
Children's Literature Choice List
Christopher Award
Gate City Book Award Nominee (NH)
Georgia Children's Book Award Finalist
Green Earth Book Award
Green Earth Book Award Shortlist
Horned Toad Tales List (TX)
ILA Teachers' Choices
ILA/CBC Children's Choices
Indian Paintbrush Book Award Nominee (WY)
Iowa Children's Choice Award Nominee
Judy Lopez Memorial Award Winner
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Intermediate Title
Kentucky Bluegrass Award Master List
Keystone to Reading Book Award Reading List (PA)
Keystone to Reading Elementary Book Award Reading List (PA)
Magnolia Book Award Nominee (MS)
Maine Student Book Award Reading List
Mark Twain Award Final Nominee (MO)
National Book Award Finalist
NCTE Notable Children's Books in the Language Arts
Nene Award Nominee (HI)
NY Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle Young Readers Selection
NYPL 100 Titles for Reading and Sharing
Oregon Battle of the Books List
South Carolina Picture Book Award Nominee
Texas Bluebonnet Master List
Volunteer State Book Award Nominee (TN)
William Allen White Children's Book Award Reading List (KS)
Wisconsin State Reading Association's Reading List