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Agatha Award Finalist
ALA Best Books For Young Adults
ALA Best Books for Young Adults Nominee
ALA Coretta Scott King Author Honor Book
ALA Notable Children's Book Nominee
ALA Notable Children's Books
ALA Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults - Top Ten
Amelia Bloomer List
Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award
Bank Street Best Books of the Year
Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year Selection Title
Bank Street Children's Book Award
Bank Street Claudia Lewis Poetry Award
Beehive Award Master List (UT)
Booklist Editors' Choice
Boston Globe/Horn Book Award
Boston Globe/Horn Book Award Honor Book
Buckeye Children's Book Award (OH)
Californa Young Reader Medal
California Collections
California Young Reader Medal Nominee
Capital Choices Noteworthy Books for Children's and Teens (DC)
CBC/NCSS Notable Children's Book in Social Studies
CBC/NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Book
CCBC Choices (Cooperative Children's Book Council)
Center for the Study of Multicultural Children's Literature Best Multicultural Books List
Charlie May Simon Children's Book Award Nominee (AR)
Charlotte Award Suggested Reading List (NY)
Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best
Children's Literature Choice List
Children's Sequoyah Book Award Master List (OK)
Christopher Award
Club Tome Society It List Nominee
Colorado Book Awards Finalist
Colorado Children's Book Award Master List
Cybils Award Finalist
Dorothy Canfield Fisher Book Award Master List (VT)
Emphasis on Reading Book Award (AL)
Evanston Public Library's 101 Great Books for Kids List
Garden State Teen Book Award Nominee (NJ)
Georgia Children's Book Award Finalist
Golden Sower Award Nominee (NE)
Grand Canyon Reader Award Nominee (AZ)
Great Lakes Great Books Master List (MI)
Horn Book Fanfare
Horned Toad Tales List (TX)
Idaho Pocatellecott Award
ILA Notable Books for a Global Society
ILA Teachers' Choices
ILA/CBC Children's Choices
Indian Paintbrush Book Award Nominee (WY)
International Latino Book Award 1st Place
Jane Addams Children's Book Award
Jefferson Cup Award Honor Title (VA)
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Intermediate Title
Kentucky Bluegrass Award Master List
Keystone to Reading Book Award Reading List (PA)
Kirkus Best Children's Book
Louisiana Young Readers' Choice Award Nominee
Maine Student Book Award Reading List
Mark Twain Award Final Nominee (MO)
Massachusetts Book Award "Must Read" List
Massachusetts Children's Book Award
Massachusetts Children's Book Award Nominee
Maud Hart Lovelace Award Nominee (MN)
MSTA Reading Circle List
National Book Award Finalist
National Jewish Book Award Finalist
Nene Award Nominee (HI)
Nevada Young Readers' Award Nominee
North Carolina Children's Book Award
Nutmeg Book Award Nominee (CT)
NYPL 100 Titles for Reading and Sharing
NYPL Best Books for Teens
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award
Pacific Northwest Young Reader's Choice Award
Pacific Northwest Young Reader's Choice Award Master List
Parents' Choice Award
Parents' Choice Gold Award Winner
PEN USA Literary Award for Children's Literature
Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Award Master List
Phoenix Award Honor Book
Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults
Publishers Weekly Best Books
Pura Belpre Award
Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Book Award (IL)
Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award Master List (IL)
Rhode Island Teen Book Award Nominee
Rodda Book Award Nominee
Sasquatch Book Award Nominee (WA)
Scott O'Dell Award
Soaring Eagle Book Award Nominee (WY)
South Carolina Picture Book Award
South Dakota Young Adult Reading Program
Storytelling World Award
Sunshine State Young Readers' Award List (FL)
Sydney Taylor Notable Book
TAYSHAS Reading List (TX)
Texas Bluebonnet Master List
Texas Tayshas High School Reading List
Thumbs Up! Award Top Ten Title (MI)
Treasure State Award Nominee (MT)
Truman Reader Award Final Nominee (MO)
Virginia Readers' Choice Award List
Volunteer State Book Award Nominee (TN)
Washington Post Best Books
Washington State Book Award Finalist
West Virginia Children's Book Award Master List
William Allen White Children's Book Award (KS)
Writer's League of Texas Finalist
Young Hoosier Book Award Nominee (IN)