Freakiest Trip Ever! (Book #6 of Middle School and Other Disasters) Wanda Coven Paper Over Board $14.99
Elvis & Romeo Visit the Vet (Part of An Elvis & Romeo Book) David Soman and Jacky Davis Trade Paperback $5.99
Elvis & Romeo Go to Dog School (Part of An Elvis & Romeo Book) David Soman and Jacky Davis Trade Paperback $5.99
Weirdest Weekend Ever! (Book #4 of Middle School and Other Disasters) Wanda Coven Paper Over Board $14.99
Daniel's First Airplane Ride (Part of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood) Haley Hoffman Trade Paperback $4.99
Biggest Secret Ever! (Book #3 of Middle School and Other Disasters) Wanda Coven Paper Over Board $14.99
Worst Love Spell Ever! (Book #2 of Middle School and Other Disasters) Wanda Coven Paper Over Board $14.99
Worst Broommate Ever! (Book #1 of Middle School and Other Disasters) Wanda Coven Paper Over Board $14.99
Angelina Ballerina's Ballet Tour (Part of Angelina Ballerina) Katharine Holabird Trade Paperback $5.99