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(Book #2 of School for Magical Monsters)
Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
Trade Paperback$5.99
(Book #1 of School for Magical Monsters)
Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
Trade Paperback$5.99
(Book #2 of Dragons of Ember City)
Shane Richardson and Sarah Marino
Trade Paperback$9.99
(Book #1 of Dragons of Ember City)
Shane Richardson and Sarah Marino
Trade Paperback$9.99
(Book #4 of The Invincible Girls Club)
Steph B. Jones and Rachele Alpine
Trade Paperback$6.99
(Book #4 of The Adventures of Allie and Amy)
Stephanie Calmenson and Joanna Cole
Trade Paperback$5.99
(Book #3 of The Adventures of Allie and Amy)
Stephanie Calmenson and Joanna Cole
Trade Paperback$5.99
(Book #2 of The Adventures of Allie and Amy)
Stephanie Calmenson and Joanna Cole
Trade Paperback$5.99
(Book #2 of Mack Rhino, Private Eye)
Paul DuBois Jacobs and Jennifer Swender
Trade Paperback$5.99