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Popular Features
ALA Margaret A. Edwards Award
ALA Notable Children's Books
ALA Notable Children's Recording
ALA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers
ALA Top Ten Best Books for Young Adults
Amazing Audiobooks for YA
Bank Street Best Books of the Year
Black-Eyed Susan Book Award Nominee (MD)
Buckeye Children's Book Award Nominee (OH)
CCBC Choices (Cooperative Children's Book Council)
Center for the Study of Multicultural Children's Literature Best Multicultural Books List
Charlie May Simon Children's Book Award Nominee (AR)
Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best
Children's Sequoyah Book Award Master List (OK)
Cybils Award
Dorothy Canfield Fisher Book Award Master List (VT)
Georgia Children's Book Award Finalist
Golden Sower Award Nominee (NE)
Golden Sower Chapter Book Award Nominee (NE)
Grand Canyon Reader Award Nominee (AZ)
Great Lakes Great Books Master List (MI)
Great Stone Face Book Award (NH)
Indian Paintbrush Book Award Nominee (WY)
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Junior Title
Kentucky Bluegrass Award
Kentucky Bluegrass Award Nominee
Land of Enchantment RoadRunner Award Nominee (NM)
Louisiana Young Readers' Choice Award Nominee
Maine Student Book Award Reading List
Mark Twain Award Final Nominee (MO)
Massachusetts Book Award
Massachusetts Children's Book Award Nominee
Minnesota Youth Reading Awards, Maud Hart Lovelace Honor Title
National Book Award Finalist
NCTE Charlotte Huck Outstanding Fiction Award
NCTE Notable Children's Books in the Language Arts
Nene Award Nominee (HI)
New York Public Library Best Books for Kids
North Carolina Children's Book Award Nominee
North Carolina Young Adult Book Award
Nutmeg Book Award (CT)
Nutmeg Book Award Nominee (CT)
Odyssey Honor for Audio
Oregon Reader's Choice Award
Pennsylvania Reader's Choice Award Nominee
Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award Master List (IL)
Sasquatch Book Award Nominee (WA)
South Carolina Picture Book Award
South Dakota Children's Book Award Nominee
Sunshine State Young Readers Award, Grades 3-5 List (FL)
Sunshine State Young Readers Award, Grades 6-8 List (FL)
Texas Lone Star Reading List
Virginia Readers'' Choice Award
William Allen White Children's Book Award (KS)
William Allen White Children's Book Award Reading List (KS)
Wisconsin State Reading Association's Reading List
Young Hoosier Book Award Nominee (IN)