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Franklin W. Dixon
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Simon & Schuster UK
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TA Brock
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The Disney Comics Group
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Thomas E. Sniegoski
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Tolá Okogwu
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Victor Appleton
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Willo Davis Roberts
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Lexile ®
Fountas & Pinnell ®
Phineas and Ferb Original Vol. 1
The Disney Comics Group, Scott Peterson, and Joshua Pruett
Fixed Layout eBook$5.99
Atlantis Original Vol. 1
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The New Adventures of Encanto Vol. 1 (Spanish Language Edition)
(Book #1 of The New Adventures of Encanto)
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Miraculous Chibi Vol. 2
(Book #2 of Miraculous Ladybug Chibi)
Josh Trujillo and Carrie Harris
Fixed Layout eBook$5.99
The New Adventures of Disney Pixar Inside Out 2 Vol. 2
(Book #2 of The New Adventures of Disney Pixar Inside Out 2)
Fixed Layout eBook$5.99
Miraculous Chibi Vol. 1
(Book #1 of Miraculous Ladybug Chibi)
Josh Trujillo and Carrie Harris
Fixed Layout eBook$5.99
Geronimo Stilton Reporter Vol. 17
(Part of Geronimo Stilton Reporter Graphic Novels)
Fixed Layout eBook$5.99