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ALA Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor Book
ALA Notable Children's Books
ALA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers
ALA Robert F. Sibert Award Honor Book
Américas Award Honorable Mention
Bank Street Best Books of the Year
Bank Street Best Books of the Year - with Outstanding Merit
Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year Selection Title
Beehive Award Master List (UT)
Booklinks Lasting Connections
Booklist Editors' Choice
Boston Globe/Horn Book Award
Bulletin Blue Ribbon
California Collections
Capital Choices Noteworthy Books for Children's and Teens (DC)
CBC Children's Choice Book Award Finalist
CBC/NCSS Notable Children's Book in Social Studies
CBC/NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Book
CBC/NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Book
CCBC Choices (Cooperative Children's Book Council)
Charlie May Simon Children's Book Award Nominee (AR)
Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best
Children's History Book Prize Finalist
Cleveland Public Library Celebrate With Books Selection
Dogwood Reader Award Final Nominee (MO)
Eureka! Excellence in Nonfiction Award Honor Title (CA)
Flora Stieglitz Straus Award
Grand Canyon Reader Award Nominee (AZ)
Horn Book Fanfare
ILA Children's Book Award Notable
ILA Children's Book Award Winner
ILA Children’s Choices Reading List
ILA Teachers' Choices
ILA/CBC Children's Choices
Indian Paintbrush Book Award Nominee (WY)
Intermediate Sequoyah Book Award Master List (OK)
International Latino Book Award 1st Place
Just One More Page Recommendation List
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Intermediate Title
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Junior Title
KC3 Award Master List (MO)
Kentucky Bluegrass Award Master List
Kirkus Best Children's Book
Louisiana Young Readers' Choice Award Nominee
Maryland Blue Crab Young Reader Award Honor Book
Monarch Award Master List (IL)
MSTA Reading Circle List
NAPPA Gold Award Winner
New York Times Best Illustrated Books
Norman A. Sugarman Children's Biography Award
NYPL 100 Titles for Reading and Sharing
NYPL Best Books for Kids (Top Ten)
NYPL Best Books for Teens
Parents' Choice Approved Award Winner
Parents' Choice Award Silver Medal
Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Award Master List
Picture This Recommendation List
Publishers Weekly Best Books
Rhode Island Middle School Book Award Nominee
School Library Journal Best Books of the Year
SLJ Best Book of the Year
SSLI Book Award Honor Book
Sydney Taylor Notable Book
Vine Awards for Canadian Jewish Literature - Children/Young Adults Finalist
Virginia Literary Award Nominee