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Popular Features
Adaku Parker
Adrienne Martini
Afi-Odelia Scruggs
Aimee Ray
Alice Hoffman
Allison Hoffman
Amy Philip
Andreia Gomes
Angela Pressley
Babette Ulmer
Bernadette Murphy
Caroline Smith
Catherine Hirst
Chloé Elizabeth Birch
Christen Haden
CICO Books
Claire Montgomerie
Clare Youngs
David Hastings
Debbie Bliss
Deborah Wilding
Drew Hill
Editors of Thunder Bay Press
Editors of Ulysses Press
Elizabeth Zimmerman
Elspeth Jackson
Emma Brown
Emma Friedlander-Collins
Emma Hardy
Emma Leith
Fiona Goble
Gail Abbott
Hannah Sturrock
Helen McCarthy
Hisako Okawa
Ilana Rabinowitz
Ilaria Caliri
Insight Editions
Jane Bolsover
Jo Ippolito Christensen
Joan of Dark a.k.a Toni Carr
Jody Revenson
Juli Anne
Julie Jackson
June Hemmons Hiatt
Justine Tiu
Justine Tiu of The Woobles
Karen Miller
Kate Barlow
Kate Eastwood
Kate Haxell
Kath Baena
Kathryn Chipinka Dalby
Krista Ann
Kristi Porter
Laura Strutt
Lauren Aston
Lee Gant
Lee Sartori
Lisa Hoffman
Liv Huffman
Lucy Collin
Lucy Hopping
Maria Fire
Mariarosa Sala
Mary Beth Temple
Melanie Porter
Melody Griffiths
Mia Underwood
Michael Caputo
Nancy Bates
Nancy Thomas
Natalie Beard
Nelly Pailloux
Nicki Trench
Rosie Haynes
Shizue Okawa
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Susan Ritchie
Susie Johns
Tanis Gray
Tracey Lord
Ulysses Press
Vanessa Arbuthnott
Weldon Owen
Wendy Ward
Willow Polson
Harry Potter: The Official Hogwarts Book of Cross-Stitch
(Part of Harry Potter)
Willow Polson and Jody Revenson
Royal School of Needlework Wall Calendar 2025 (Art Calendar)