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Fiction Fantasy Epic
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A Tournament of Shadows (3)
After the War (4)
Babylon Steel (2)
BAEN (1)
Balanced Sword (1)
Battlecats (2)
Between Earth and Sky (1)
Blood-Cursed (1)
Books of the Cataclysm (1)
Brothers Bond (1)
Chicks in Chainmail (2)
Chronicles of Hanuvar (3)
City of Old Gods (1)
DemonWars series (7)
DemonWars: The Buccaneers (2)
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2)
Descent: Legends of the Dark (6)
Different Kingdoms (2)
Dragon Sword and Wind Child (1)
Earthsea Cycle (3)
Elric Saga, The (4)
Elves (2)
Five Queendoms, The (2)
Flesh & False Gods (2)
Gods of the Caravan Road (5)
Harper Hall of Pern (1)
Heirs of Alexandria (3)
Heron Kings (2)
Hierarchy (1)
Highglade Series (2)
ICO: Castle in the Mist (1)
Iron Elves (3)
Kencyrath (4)
Kings of War (5)
Legend of the Five Rings (7)
Legends of the Dragonrealm (4)
Marvel Legends of Asgard (2)
Midwinter (1)
Mirror Sword and Shadow Prince (1)
Morlock Ambrosius (3)
Paksenarrion (1)
Pendragon Cycle (1)
Prologue Books (8)
Prologue Fantasy (1)
Quillifer (3)
Rhymer (2)
Saga of the Forgotten Warrior (7)
Savage Rebellion (3)
Scepter'd Isle (3)
Seeker (1)
Silver Under Nightfall (2)
Soul Wars (1)
Spiritbinder Saga (1)
Stormfall (2)
Storyteller (1)
Tales from the Riven Isles (2)
Tales of Pannithor (1)
Tales of Thamorr (2)
The Bahzell (3)
The Book of the Black Earth (4)
The Bourshkanya Trilogy (1)
The Chaos Knight (3)
The Chronicles of King Rolen's Kin (1)
The Chronicles of King Rolen's Kin (Solaris Classics) (2)
The Chronicles of Stratus (1)
The Crowns of Ishia (2)
The Dandelion Dynasty (4)
The Dark Crystal (1)
The Dark World (4)
The Endsong (2)
The Eternal Champion (1)
The Five Warrior Angels (3)
The Gates of the World (1)
The Goblets Immortal (3)
The God-King Chronicles (3)
The Grudgebearer Trilogy (3)
The Halflife Chronicles (1)
The Hanged God Trilogy (3)
The Legacy of the Mercenary King (3)
The Macht (3)
The Malorum Gates (2)
The Merlin Prophecy (3)
The Monarchies of God (2)
The Outcast Chronicles (1)
The Rift Walker Series (2)
The Scepter'd Isle (1)
The Sea of Trolls Trilogy (2)
The Selene Trilogy (3)
The Space Trilogy (1)
The Wolfsangel Cycle (2)
Unofficial Coloring Book Gift Series (1)
Vei (2)
Vortex of Worlds (1)
War God (Weber) (2)
Warhammer Chronicles (1)
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar (1)
Witchy War (4)
World of Prime (5)
Zombicide (3)
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