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Amy Hackney Blackwell
Andrew Greeley
Austen Ivereigh
Austin Ruse
Benson Bobrick
Bob Unanue
Brother Lawrence
Colette Livermore
Colleen Carroll Campbell
Collins, Paul
Danielle Schaaf
David Willey
G. K. Chesterton
Gareth Gore
Gerald Posner
Gerald Renner
Gregory Orfalea
Helen Keeler
Jack Canfield
Jason Berry
Jessica Wärnberg
Jimmy Breslin
Joel Osteen
John Dollison
John Zmirak
Kathy Gereau
Kenneth L. Woodward
Leann Theiman
LeAnn Thieman
Linda Georgian
Louise Milligan
Maciej Zieba
Malachi Martin
Marcantonio Colonna
Mark Victor Hansen
Michael and jana Novak
Michael Pakaluk
Michael Prendergast
Michael S. Rose
Paul Hendrickson
Peter Manseau
Peter Steinfels
Philip F. Lawler
Pope Francis
Richard Gribble
Ross Douthat
Rubel Shelly
Ryan Hackney
Saint Augustine
St. Albert the Great
St. Teresa of Avila
Susan Grimbly
Tad Szulc
Terry Golway
The Daughters of Saint Paul
The Editors of commonweal magazine
The Poynter Institute
Thomas Petrisko
William James
Along the Way
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism
(Part of The Politically Incorrect Guides)