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Aesop Accolade
African Studies Assn Child Bk Awd Honor
AJL Sydney Talylor Silver Medal
ALA Amelia Bloomer Project
ALA Amelia Bloomer Project (Top Ten)
ALA Best Books For Young Adults
ALA Best Books for Young Adults Nominee
ALA Great Graphic Novels for Teens
ALA Mildred L. Batchelder Honor Book
ALA Newbery Medal
ALA Notable Children's Book Nominee
ALA Notable Children's Books
ALA Notable Children's Recording
ALA Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults (Top Ten)
ALA Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults Nominee
ALA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers
ALA Rise: A Feminist Book Project List Selectio
ALA/ YALSA Readers' Choice Nomination
ALA/William C. Morris Award Finalist
ALA/YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults - Top Ten
Amelia Bloomer Selection List - TOP TEN
American Book Award
Americas Award Commended Title
Arkansas Teen Book Award Reading List
Arnold Adoff Poetry Award Honor Title
Bank Street Best Books of the Year
Bank Street Best Books of the Year - with Outstanding Merit
Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year Selection Title
Bank Street Children's Book Award
Black-Eyed Susan Book Award Nominee (MD)
Booklist Editors' Choice
Boston Authors Club Julia Ward Howe Book Award Finalist
Buckeye Children's Book Award Nominee (OH)
Buckeye Teen Book Award Nominee (OH)
California Young Reader Medal Nominee
Capital Choices Noteworthy Books for Children's and Teens (DC)
CBC/NCSS Notable Children's Book in Social Studies
CBC/NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Book
CBC/NSTA Outstandng Science Book for Children
CCBC Choices (Cooperative Children's Book Council)
Charlotte Award Suggested Reading List (NY)
Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best
Christopher Award
Cybils Award Finalist
Dorothy Canfield Fisher Book Award Master List (VT)
Eliot Rosewater Indiana High School Book Award Nominee
Evergreen Teen Book Award List (WA)
Garden State Children's Book Award Nominee (NJ)
Garden State Teen Book Award Nominee (NJ)
Georgia Children's Book Award Finalist
Georgia Peach Book Award for Teen Readers Nominee
Grand Canyon Reader Award Nominee (AZ)
Great Lakes Great Books Master List (MI)
Green Earth Book Award Honor
Green Mountain Book Award (VT)
Horn Book Fanfare
ILA Notable Books for a Global Society
ILA Teachers' Choices
ILA Young Adults' Choices
Intermediate Sequoyah Book Award Master List (OK)
Iowa Teen Award Nominee
Isinglass Award Nominee (NH)
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List High School Title
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Junior Title
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Starred High School Title
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Top Pick
Kansas Notable Book
Kentucky Bluegrass Award Master List
Keystone to Reading Book Award Reading List (PA)
Kirkus Best Children's Book
Kirkus Best Young Adult Book
Kirkus Editor's Choice
KSRA YA Book Award Master List (PA)
Land of Enchantment RoadRunner Award Nominee (NM)
Locus Magazine Best Fantasy Novel Of the Year
Maine Student Book Award Reading List
Massachusetts Children's Book Award
MSTA Reading Circle List
NCTE Notable Verse Novel List
NYPL Best Books for Teens
Ohioana Book Award
Pacific Northwest Young Reader's Choice Award Master List
Parents' Choice Gold Award Winner
Pennsylvania Reader's Choice Award Nominee
Pennsylvania School Librarian Association (PSLA) "Top Ten (Or So)" Young Adult Books
Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Award Master List
Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults
PSLA Fiction List
Publishers Weekly Best Books
Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award Master List (IL)
Rhode Island Teen Book Award Nominee
Riverbank Review Books of Distinction Finalist
SCBWI Golden Kite Award
School Library Journal Best Books of the Year
South Asia Book Award
South Carolina Picture Book Award Nominee
TAYSHAS Reading List (TX)
Texas Lone Star Reading List
Texas Tayshas High School Reading List
Thumbs Up! Award Top Ten Title (MI)
USBBY Outstanding International Book
Virginia Readers' Choice Award List
Volunteer State Book Award Nominee (TN)
Westchester's Choice
Wisconsin State Reading Association's Reading List
Writer's League of Texas Award for Best Book for Young People
Young Hoosier Book Award Nominee (IN)