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ALA Best Books For Young Adults
ALA Quick Picks Nominee
ALA/YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults - Top Ten
Amelia Bloomer List
Américas Award Honorable Mention
Beverly Cleary Children's Choice Award (OR)
Booklist Editors' Choice
Capital Choices Noteworthy Books for Children's and Teens (DC)
CBC/NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Book
CCBC Choices (Cooperative Children's Book Council)
Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best
Children's Literature Choice List
Forest of Reading Evergreen Finalist
ILA Notable Books for a Global Society
ILA Young Adults' Choices
In the Margins Book Award List
International Latino Book Award 1st Place
Iowa Children's Choice Award Nominee
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Starred Intermediate Title
Keystone to Reading Book Award Reading List (PA)
Keystone to Reading Secondary Reading List (PA)
Maine Student Book Award Reading List
MSTA Reading Circle List
Nene Award (HI)
Nene Award Nominee (HI)
NYPL Best Books for Teens
Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults
Pulitzer Prize
Rhode Island Children's Book Award Nominee
South Carolina Picture Book Award Nominee
Topaz Nonfiction Reading List (TX)
Toronto Heritage Award Finalist
Wisconsin State Reading Association's Reading List