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ALA Notable Children's Books
APALA Asian/Pacific American Award for Children's Literature
Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year Selection Title
Beehive Award Nominee
Black-Eyed Susan Book Award Nominee (MD)
Bluestem Book Award Master List (IL)
CBC/NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Book
CCBC Choices (Cooperative Children's Book Council)
Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best
Children's Choice Picture Book Award Nominee (WA)
Children's Sequoyah Book Award Master List (OK)
Choose to Read Ohio "Floyd's Pick" honor title
Choose to Read Ohio Booklist Selection
Great Stone Face Book Award Nominee (NH)
Horned Toad Tales List (TX)
ILA Children's Book Award Honor
ILA Notable Books for a Global Society
Just One More Page Recommendation List
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Intermediate Title
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List Junior Title
Kansas NEA Reading Circle List PrimaryTitle
Keystone to Reading Elementary Book Award Reading List (PA)
Lectio Book Award Finalist (TX)
Magnolia Book Award Nominee (MS)
Maud Hart Lovelace Award Nominee (MN)
NCTE Charlotte Huck Outstanding Fiction Honor Title
NCTE Charlotte Huck Outstanding Fiction Recommended Title
NCTE Notable Children's Books in the Language Arts
New York Public Library Best Books for Kids
Nutmeg Book Award Nominee (CT)
Ohioana Book Award Finalist
Oregon Battle of the Books List
Oregon Reader's Choice Award Nominee
Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Award Master List
Picture This Recommendation List
Red Clover Book Award Nominee (VT)
SLJ Best Book of the Year
South Asia Book Award Highly Commended Title
South Carolina Book Award Nominee
South Carolina Children's Book Award Nominee
Sunshine State Young Readers' Award List (FL)
Texas Bluebonnet Master List
Virginia Readers’ Choice Award
Volunteer State Book Award Nominee (TN)
William Allen White Children's Book Award Reading List (KS)
Wisconsin State Reading Association's Reading List
Young Hoosier Book Award Nominee (IN)